

Rock Your Minis with Confidence

If your knees are not your favorite asset, this move of the week will help tone and sculpt them just in time for shorts season.

Train Like a Pro

Throw this training drill into your workout routine to rev up your intensity, fat burning ability and fun.

Beyond the Basic Squat

This move of the week combines a squat, bicep curl and added resistance for a challenging multi-muscle exercise.

Be Good to Your Gams

Our legs take a beating daily, use this move of the week to revitalize them.

She’s Got Legs!

You don't need Squat Racks to get gorgeous gams, in fact you don't even need to leave your house with this awesome move of the week.

Tim’s Keg Haulers

This "functional" exercise is highly effective for those times when you need to haul kegs of beer, boxes, kids or anything heavy - oh, and it's great for the butt too.

Get into the Swing

Whether you're short on time or want to add a bonus blast to your workout, this full body move of the week is for you.

Reverse Axe Chop

The move for this week incorporates the entire body in a fluid and controlled movement. Choose between beginner to advanced options for the reverse axe chop.


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