stocking stuffers
Kinder Eggs Are Here!
Kinder Chocolate Eggs have finally come to the States and kids everywhere are rejoicing! My kids are CRAZY about these eggs! We’ve been using them for our advent calendar treat this month. If you’ve never had them before, here’s your chance to finally try them…legally. The eggs were banned from the US by the FDA until now. The eggs have […]Stocking Stuffers that Feel Good to Give and Receive
Cool Tattoos, $5. Do something very simple and inexpensive to help end the water crisis: stuff a tattoo in your stockings. 80% of the sale of each set of tattoos helps fund clean water. charity water.org Holiday Ornaments, 2.99 and up Choose one of many unique Chrsitmas ornaments–from star to elephants–at Ten Thousand Villages. One of my favorites was […]Subscribe!
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Disney Dance Camp…right in town
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Oven-Baked Tortilla Chips
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