parenting today
Is It Too Late to Finish Summer Reading?
The answer is, it depends. This is just about the time when I realize, each summer, that despite me telling the kids to read every day, they haven’t gotten very far. Despite my many suggestions to curl up and enjoy a book, some of the reading logs are still embarrassingly sparse. Could you imagine if […]A 4th Grader’s Letter to Crazy Parents
Offside is a Facebook page, started by a referee, Brian Barlow, to encourage better sideline sportsmanship. He offered $100 for every video of crazy parents screaming at referees at children’s sporting events. He also posted this heartbreaking and poignant letter from a 4th grader. READ: What Screaming at the Ref Doesn’t Say About You Learn […]My #1 Rule for Kids Navigating Social Media
Also read: The Latest Drug Parents Need to Know About We got a phone for my middle child this year and teaching him to navigate the waters of social media isn’t easy although it seems a little easier with a boy than a girl. In some ways, it’s not that different from when we were […]The Dumbest Job Ever: Mother.
It takes a lot to make me laugh out loud —especially if it’s while I’m sweating and working my heiny off on the elliptical at the gym. (Yes, I read the paper while I work out—multitasking!) But the other day, I nearly tumbled off the machine into bruising hysterics when I read “Job Description for […]Advice to My Daughters about Work
Will you encourage your daughters to make the same choices you made?
College Interview Season: The Second Craziest Time of the Year
By Kathryn Lancioni, Founder and CEO of Presenting Perfection With the holidays behind us and the reality of winter all around us, many of us have plans to hibernate for the next several months. We’ve got some good books, a stack of firewood and anything else we need to enjoy the down time that January and […]Talking to Your Kids About Las Vegas
If you read my post yesterday, you know I’m trying to use October to make small changes in my life that will bring me greater peace and contentment. The world is not making it easy. I woke, like many of you, this morning to a CNN alert on my phone to the largest mass shooting in […]10 Places I Hate That My Kids Love: A Happy Kid’s Bucket List
Ah, the things we do and the places we go for our children–places that were off our radar before kids and that now, we dread even being asked to go to. We pray that some other generous parent will offer take our child so we can cross it off their little happy child bucket list. And if we don’t take […]Subscribe!
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