Menopause and Sleep
Menopause and sleep go together like oil and water, and the oil is starting to get really cranky. Just at a time when sleep is so vital to our overall emotional and physical health, it evades us like a toddler running away from a spoonful of peas. The more we chase, the more frustrated we […]Your Vagina: Use It or Lose It.
Recently a friend was at a lecture about menopause and the thing that shocked her most was VAGINAL ATROPHY. She had never heard of it before, and was horrified at the prospect. Sometimes, with all the information out there in cyber space, I am shocked at what we don’t know. I asked about a dozen other women, […]Perimenopause … WTF?!
“The first indication of menopause is a broken thermostat. It’s either that or your weight. In any case, if you don’t do something, you could be dead by August. God, middle age is an unending insult.” ― Dorothea Benton Frank, Sullivan’s Island I just opened an email from a reader with the subject line, “WTF?!?” Right?! I thought, […]The Consequences of Turning the “New” 40
Well, ladies, it happened…not proud, but I’ll share. Those hot flashes that had your mother’s friends fanning themselves in the midst of a February blizzard? They started. The first one happened last year in June. I distinctly remember driving to pick up my son for lunch. It was a gorgeous day–blue skies and a blissful 75 degrees. Then, […]Keeping Your Urinary Tract in Great Shape
There are few things that can wreck a day like a UTI. Keep your pee-system healthy!Could it Be “The Change”?
Our bodies are such enigmas it is hard to know if what we are experiencing is merely coincidence or an indicator of something much more significant.
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