Doughology – These Doughnuts Are All A Work of Art!
After battling breast cancer, she followed her dreams and opened up one of the sweetest places in town: Doughology. Her doughnuts are works of art! Right down the road from us is in nearby Lynbrook Village at 45 Atlantic Avenue, is the irresistible Desert Shop, titled Doughology. This place is a dentist’s nightmare and a sweet tooth’s Heaven. […]How I Cope with The Misery of Monday Mornings
I’m not a fan of Monday mornings. Every Sunday evening after a glorious weekend of family time and sleeping in, I get what I call the “Sunday Night Blues.” It dates back to my single days when I used to have a summer share in Fire Island. As we’d board the ferry on Friday evenings after work, […]Dormify: The Best Way to Shop for Your Dorm Room
Are you getting ready to begin the daunting task of shopping for your college dorm room? Are you struggling to figure out where to start? Look no further! Whether you are looking to style your college dorm room, re-imagine your bedroom, or design your first apartment, Dormify is the perfect tool! The ecommerce brand helps […]Sometimes Small Efforts Create Big Change
I just learned that the inspiration behind putting Harriet Tubman on the $20 came from a 9 year-old girl named Sofia. Sofia wondered why there weren’t any women on our paper currency and took the initiative to write a letter to President Obama with a few suggestions. The Treasury Department ended up taking two of her […]The New Face of the $20 Bill
I felt quite elated at the news that the Treasury Department had chosen Abolitionist Harriet Tubman to appear on a new series of $20 bills. She will be the first African-American to appear on U.S. paper currency and the first woman in more than a century. Harriet Tubman led quite an amazing life. Born a slave and separated from her family at age 6, […]Revive Your Fitness Goals
If the warmer weather is inspiring you to amp up your fitness routine, I've got some great ideas to set as your new fitness goals this season.
You Are NOT a Groundhog!
It's October; the days are colder, shorter and your natural instincts are to slow down, eat and prepare for hibernation during the long cold months to come. Well, I say get off your butt and keep going more now than ever.
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