

What You Need to Know About Tamiflu

Also read: Everything You Need to Know About the Flu You or someone in your family was just diagnosed with the flu. Now what? Just like the flu shot, there is a lot of controversy about Tamiflu, and with it, lots of misinformation. Tamiflu (oseltamivir phosphate) is an anti-viral medication, which has its limitations. It is one of several antivirals your doctor […]

Natural Immunity Boosters

Vaccine or not, more people get sick during the winter months - here are some natural ways to boost your immunity and improve your defense against any unwanted bugs.

Keeping Your Family Safe in the Spring

We are just getting over a nasty flu and cold season. Strep has been running rampant in my children's schools. Everyone I know has a lingering cough. We just need winter to end, and all our ails will be cured, yes? No.