

All Things Avocado

There's so much more to avocados than guacamole!!

Don’t Forget About Your Girls

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and I've got more tips on how to care for your girls while exercising.

Fitness on a Student Budget

Avoid the Freshman 15 with these cost-saving tips for fitness on a College student budget.

Seasonal Eating Trends

Why should we change our food choices with the changing seasons and tips on what to choose.

A Better Night’s Sleep Starting Tonight

If you dream of a good night's sleep, I've got 4 tips to help you do just that.

Freshman 15: Fact or Fiction?

What is the "Freshman 15" and are all college newbies destined to this fate?

Ten Ways Your Body is Telling you to Relax!

Your body is trying to tell you something. Make sure you listen.

Could it Be “The Change”?

Our bodies are such enigmas it is hard to know if what we are experiencing is merely coincidence or an indicator of something much more significant.

5 Tips to Avoid Weight Gain

Instead of battling the bulge, why not prevent it altogether?

Is Inactivity Killing You?

More and more we've become a society of convenience and quick fixes, but to what end? Are we doing ourselves and our kids a disservice with all the fast food and car pooling?