

Move of the Week: Dead Lift

This slightly advanced move of the week is amazing for your glutes and hammies. Your form and correct technique will make the difference between a great behind and a very sore lower back. Standing with feet about shoulder width apart and weights in hand, square your shoulders down and back, and engage your abs. Slowly […]

Glutes, Hammies, Core and More

Don’t be fooled by this week’s deceptively easy exercise. The key to this exercise is to NOT move and maintain your balance using all of your core muscles and the stabilizer muscles in the spine, hips, knees and ankles.

Rock Your Minis with Confidence

If your knees are not your favorite asset, this move of the week will help tone and sculpt them just in time for shorts season.

Ramp Up the Intensity

Burn more calories and see more changes when you add a little more intensity.

Train Like a Pro

Throw this training drill into your workout routine to rev up your intensity, fat burning ability and fun.

Be Good to Your Gams

Our legs take a beating daily, use this move of the week to revitalize them.

She’s Got Legs!

You don't need Squat Racks to get gorgeous gams, in fact you don't even need to leave your house with this awesome move of the week.

Frog Kicks

Look great from behind with this butt blaster exercise.