

Gluten Free Does Not Equal Healthy

It is early January and with all the resolving to be healthier, a new diet may be on your mind. Before you jump on the GF bandwagon, read this. I follow a gluten free diet, but not by choice. For years, I had been having GI symptoms, sometimes severe. I attributed it to stress, IBS and […]

Plant-Based Spaghetti & Meatballs

A super healthy alternative to the old-time classic.

Gluten Free Blueberry Pancakes

I love this recipe. It is easy to make, healthy and even the kids eat it.

Read This Before You Go Gluten-Free

7 Signs That You Might Be Gluten-Intolerant Should you go gluten free? The answer is maybe. Remember when Snack Wells came out back in the 90s? My college roommates and I ate them by the box because they said “fat free.” If they are fat free, they must be good for you, right? Loaded with […]

Healthy Gluten-Free Blondies

These are delicious, healthy, gluten-free and easy to make!

Irish Soda Bread-No Gluten or Processed Sugar

This recipe rocks. I slightly changed it to add more protein. I made it last night and everyone including the kids loved it. It is gluten-free and processed sugar-free. This should be your new go-to for St. Patty’s day.

Clean Banana Bread

This bread is so healthy, easy to make and delicious!

Asian Quinoa Meatballs

These meatballs are so easy to make and they are healthy!!! I just made them for the first time and these will definitely be in a regular rotation for me. I think my kids will love them too. Find Out Why Quinoa is Good for You.

Flourless, Gluten-Free Guiltless Chocolate Zucchini Muffins

These flourless chocolate zucchini muffins from Running with Spoons are gluten-free, grain-free, oil-free, and dairy-free! And to my surprise, they were moist chocolately and delicious! Makes 9 muffins Ingredients • 1/2 cup almond butter* • 1 ripe medium-sized banana mashed • 1 large egg • 1/4 cup honey • 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder • […]

Cali’Flour Fig & Prosciutto Pizza

A delicious, gluten-free pizza recipe using Cali’Flour pizza crust which are made from cauliflower and don’t contain any GMOs and are corn-free, and soy-free. Ingredients: 1 Cali’Red Pepper Pizza Crust ½ sweet white onion 2 slices of prosciutto 2 figs ¼ cup parmesan ½ sprig rosemary ½ sprig thyme ½ sprig sage 3 Tbsp blue cheese […]


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September 19, 2015

Have a Little Chef?