20+ Things to Do on a Snow Day
Even though we just came back from vacation…I sort of need a vacation…from my vacation. The holidays are exhausting. We all settled in to an unhealthy routine of staying up late and sleeping in. My body (and my children’s bodies) have not adjusted so I am rather thankful for another day to sleep past 7am! […]Games for Grown-Ups
After we put together our 15+ Favorite, Must-Have Family Games post, we realized, grown-ups need to let off a little steam from the holiday stress and have some fun too. Here are our Adults Only picks to play with those who know you best! I can play these with my siblings …when my mom and […]My Favorite Holiday Game: Mr. & Mrs. Right
Every year on Christmas Eve, before we read about the story of Christmas, we play a silly game called “Mr. and Mrs. Right.” Before playing, I make a trip to The Dollar Store and buy a gift for every guest that comes. Buy things from books, ornaments, small toys to silly things like giant ladies’ underwear, fake nails or anti-itch cream. Here’s […]Our 15 Favorite Family Games
With the holidays coming up and the temperatures getting colder, we all are bound to spend more nights in. Here are some of our staff’s favorite games for some unplugged family fun! See some ADULTS ONLY games below too! For more gifts, check out our 100+ Gifts Guide for Everyone on Your List! Monopoly Game: Ultimate […]Bridal Party Fun!
Recently I went to a Bridal Shower for my sweetheart’s sister – Everything was absolutely perfect – the venue, the decor, the mimosas and the games! There is one game that I feel like I have to share because it was particularly entertaining. […]Garden City Friday Night Promenades! Fun for The Whole Family!
The 3rd season kicked off in late June with Friday Night Theme Celebrations on Seventh Street in Garden City. Thanks to the Chamber of Commerce and the Incorporated Village, every Friday night will feature a new theme with giveaways, live music, food and entertainment! As for the next few weeks the schedule is as follows: […]Gonggi – My New Fave Game!
Last month it was Fidget Spinners, and THIS month is is Gonggi! The big difference? Fidget Spinners were supposed to aid children with Attention Deficit Disorders and were unfortunately doing the opposite – distracting students as they worked! Now I notice a new game has caught on and this one can’t be played during actual […]Throw a “Just the Commercials” Party
Many people who watch the Super Bowl are tuning in just for the commercials. If this is you or your friends why not make an event of it?
A Holiday Game: Mr. and Mrs. Right
Every year on Christmas Eve, we make things a light and silly with a game of “Mr. and Mrs. Right.” You can ask everyone to bring a gift, but we usually provide them. We go to the dollar store, and buy as many gifts as the number of guests that we have. We get everything from […]Subscribe!
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