
decorating for the holidays

Holiday Colors: Tired of the Traditional Red and Green?

Are you tired of the traditional red and green holiday decorations? Years ago (long before Pinterest), I decided that I didn’t particularly like the traditional Christmas colors that I grew up with and that I was going to choose different colors to fill my home during the holidays. Being a color designer, once I was […]

DIY Easter Centerpieces

Beautiful ideas for Easter centerpieces that are inexpensive and easy to make.


Edible Centerpieces

A centerpiece of various grape clusters, candles and rich, neutral toned linens provides the perfect autumnal table setting.  Seasonal gourds, foliage, berries and fruits create a beautiful centerpiece display. Take advantage of nature’s bounty and you’re certain to impress your guests this holiday season.   A simple collection of cheeses, veggies and fruits is so obvious […]