Masks Off: Tips to Help Your Child Through the Great Unmasking
Governor Murphy of New Jersey announced a couple of days ago that the mask mandate would be lifted on March 7th. It is an arbitrary date, and while I’m not certain, based purely on science (NOT my political views,) why the masks can’t come off today, I am very grateful there is finally a light at the end […]How To Help Your Child with the Great Unmasking
Governor Murphy of New Jersey announced a couple of days ago that the mask mandate would be lifted on March 7th. It is an arbitrary date, and while I’m not certain, based purely on science (NOT my political views,) why the masks can’t come off today, I am very grateful there is finally a light at the […]Will My Children Get the Vaccine?
I’ve been asked many times recently if I will let my children get the vaccine. The answer is yes. The better question is, do I think my children need the vaccine? The answer to that, given the data and the evidence, is no. I will take my kids for the vaccine when I have to, […]Telling the Difference Between a Cold, the Flu and Covid
As hard as this may be to believe, in 2021, you can still get a cold, and you can still get the flu. Very likely, we will see fewer generic upper respiratory infections this year, because the steps we take to avoid Covid will also protect us from other germs. But, colds and the flu will […]How to Treat Covid at Home
For the vast majority of people, Covid symptoms will be mild to moderate and will clear in a few days. Most people will feel better within a week. But, it is Covid, so you’ll just have to suffer through whatever you experience and be grateful it isn’t worse, right?? Wrong. While Covid feels like a mystery, […]What You Need to Know About Tamiflu
Also read: Everything You Need to Know About the Flu You or someone in your family was just diagnosed with the flu. Now what? Just like the flu shot, there is a lot of controversy about Tamiflu, and with it, lots of misinformation. Tamiflu (oseltamivir phosphate) is an anti-viral medication, which has its limitations. It is one of several antivirals your doctor […]Why is My Tempertature So Low?! Am I Cold-Blooded?
Most of us ususally only check our tempertures when we’re sick. But now with Covid, we’re getting temperature checks regulary. Recently, I noticed that my temperature was lower than it once was and worried…is this normal?! Am I cold-blooded? So asked Dr. Karen Latimer to explain: Dr. Karen Latimer: Yes, it is normal! Adult body temperatures are now about one degree lower. A recent study showed that the normal […]7 Socially Distanced, Clever Ways to Get Your Candy to Trick or Treaters.
Ok, so Halloween, like lots of other things, isn’t going to be the same this year. But you can still treat your trick or treaters to something sweet–you just might have to be a little more creative. Here are 7 fun, social-distanced ideas to get the goods to your trick or treaters… Also Read: Safety Guidelines from the New […]Subscribe!
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