Great Read: “Social Distancing: This is Not a Snow Day.”
Also Read: 5 Good Things About Coronavirus Our school system sent an email suggesting that parents read this article; it hits the nail on the head: “Social Distancing: This is Not a Snow Day” by Asaf Bitton, MD, MPH. Our schools closed as of yestrday at 3pm and my kids asked if they could have friends over after school. I […]30+ Things to Do When You’re Quarantined
If you told me even 2 weeks ago that I’d be staying at home for 2 weeks with my kids and husband, I’d have thought you were nuts. But here we are. And “school” ends at 12:30 each day while we’re quarantined. Instead of stressing about it, embrace it and enjoy it. Do the things […]5 Ways to Reframe the Quarantine
Also Read: 5 Good Things About the Coronavirus This is crazy, right? What is happening? The panic is scarier than the virus itself. I feel like I’m in the movie Outbreak, and any second Renee Russo is going to knock on my door in a yellow space suit, or the military is going to prevent […]6 Tips For Staying Sane during School Shutdowns
Also Read: 5 Good Things About CoronavirusMy kids are “learning from home” for the next two weeks (at least.) This is unprecedented and stressful, but there is no getting around it, so I think we have no other choice but to buckle down and make the most of it. Read: How we can reframe this crisis. […]20 Things Other than COVID-19 that start with C
There must be something else we can talk about. What did we talk about before COVID-19? I know it is a big deal. I realize it is affecting the economy and our schedules, and for about 1300 Americans, their health. More people will get sick, that’s how viruses work. The fact that Tom Hanks and […]5 Things About the Coronavirus That Will Make You Breathe Easier
Also read: Coronavirus: Is It Ok to Travel? Type the letter “c” into your search bar, and a list of articles about the coronavirus pop up immediately. We are hungry for information about this latest virus, and so, are absorbing it from any source at high rates. Knowledge is power, but disinformation is dangerous. Also dangerous, is picking out […]Maybe the Coronavirus Will Save Lives
As with any illness that takes lives, the coronavirus is scary. I get it. It is new and the media is milking it for all it’s worth. It is hard to rest easy when headlines are shouting death tolls and quarantine locations at you. Nothing anyone is saying is false, there is just so much […]CORONAVIRUS UPDATE: Is It Ok to Travel?
Also Read: Explaining the Coronavirus to Kids I wrote a post years ago about staying healthy while traveling. It bears repeating today, as the hysteria over the novel coronavirus continues to mount. I feel for those who are ill, and for the families of those who have died, but at this point, even with all the […]Explaining the Coronavirus to Kids
The coronavirus is all over the news so there’s a good chance your kids–even little kids–have heard about it. So if they’re having some anxiety about it, check out “Just For Kids: A Comic Exploring The New Coronavirus” that was created by NPR News. Our school system sent this link out to parents today. It’s a comic strip that helps […]What the Fear of Coronavirus Says About Us
Also Read: What You Need to Know About the Coronavirus The novel coronavirus is making people sick. People have died, and that is tragic. However, should we be in this much of a panic about it? It is a threat to global health, but then again, so is the flu and we don’t tend to worry […]Subscribe!
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