core exercise
Tammy’s At-Home Quarantined Crunchless Core Workout
With everyone stuck at home and all the gyms closed, we need a good core workout more than ever! Go on a walk, job or bike ride and then come home and do this quick Total Core Workout from our Fitness Editor, Tammy Juco. This week, our Marketing Director, Heather Zachariah, challenged me to come up with a […]Tammy’s Tips for a Rolling Plank
This week’s move is for all you plank pros out there. If you can hang out in a plank for more than a minute you need to up the ante with a more time efficient yet challenging modification. Again, the fitness ball adds instability, which pushes the core into overdrive to keep everything stabilized, but if you don’t like the ball […]Who Says You Need Fancy Equipment to be Fit?
I was recently surfing through some of our fitness editor, Tammy Juco’s, posts on fitness looking for something quick and effective that I could do at home and came across her post about Body Weight Exercises. Tammy discovered Greatist‘s comprehensive list of 200+ bodyweight exercises. It gives you an endless combination of exercises that will keep me going for months to come–no gym necessary! I […]Hold Still to Gain Strength -A New Challenge
This new challenge is not about movement but about holding still. How long can you hold these two positions and how many rounds can you do?
Triple Threat Torso Toner
Summer is almost here and I've got you covered with this torso trimming challenge.
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