cancer prevention
5 Reasons to Add Onions to Your Diet
I use onions (usually yellow because Larry has an aversion to red) in just about every meal I make. They are cheap, they are a great base in any meal, add natural flavor and to boot, are sweet and spicy at the same time … AND, they are really good for you. 1. Onions are […]How to Do a Breast Self-Exam
Also read: What You Need to Know About Mammograms The fact is, experts don’t agree on whether or not we should recommend self breast exams. The evidence doesn’t support or deny its effectiveness. For what it is worth, as a woman, a physician, a friend, and a sister, my feeling is this … why not? If […]Why is Ginger Good for You?
Ginger has long been known for its health benefits. Here are 7 reasons you might want to add ginger to your family’s diet: You Can Even Try Ginger in Your Next Cocktail 1. It supports the body’s natural defenses against illness by boosting T-cells 2. It contains anti-oxidants, thought to fight against certain cancers, and may help eliminate […]Why is Spinach Good for You?
Even Popeye knew that spinach was good for you. Like all green leafy veggies, Spinach is low in fat and even lower in cholesterol. It’s also high in the good stuff like niacin and zinc, as well as protein, fiber, vitamins A, C, E and K, thiamin, vitamin B6, folate, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, and manganese. […]I never thought that I would get skin cancer.
I never thought that I would get skin cancer. I am very fair and so I have always taken extra precautions before spending time in the sun. As a teen, while my friends spent hours baking in the sun, I would be sure to sit under an umbrella so I wouldn’t burn. I didn’t go […]Subscribe!
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