

Dr. Bourbon’s Milk Shake

More of a dessert than a happy hour treat.  Creamy vanilla ice cream, bourbon, chocolate chips and pecans… Live a little.  You can work it off at the gym in the morning.  Life’s too short!

Eggnog Breakfast Bread Pudding

The only time I can think of having eggnog is around the holiday season. Makes for a great additive to this bread pudding. Especially for a breakfast or brunch treat. Splurge a little… you undoubtedly deserve it.

Thoroughbred Pie

A generous dollop of whipped cream, decadent chocolate and buttery rich pecans make this Southern classic a winner.

Mint Julep Champagne Cocktail

Not an expert on preparing the ever-famous mint julep?  No worries… this version will fool them all!  A lighter approach to a Kentucky Derby classic. Now get your fancy hat and toast the most anticipated race of the year!

Blackberry-Mint Julep

Not a fan of straight bourbon? Try a julep… a favorite down south, especially around Derby time. Food and Wine magazine offered this version back in 2012 and I do dig it!

Amaretto-Bourbon Punch

Toast in the new year royally. Mix a little bit of robust bourbon, sweet amaretto, seltzer and sparkling apple juice and you’ll deliver quite the punch! Pun intended… Happy New Year!

Autumnal Apple Smash

Don’t fight it folks, let’s cheer in the anticipated chill righteously with sparkling apple cider and soothing bourbon.

Bourbon-Marinated Pork Tenderloin

What’s not to like about a juicy, flavorful, tender, grilled pork loin? Very easy to prepare! Just leave enough time to have the loins marinate for at least 12 hours, or overnight.

Muddled “New” Old Fashioned

With the final season of Madman soon approaching… an upgrade to the old fashioned classic cocktail seemed only apropos, with thanks to Bill Heck’s recipe (Bon Appetit). I substituted granulated sugar for the cubes… turned out...

Pork Chops & Sugar Snap Peas w/Mint Julep Glaze

A surprising coupling… snap peas and pork chops… somehow the bourbon and mint glaze bring it all together.  Reminiscent of the classic Kentucky cocktail.