Summit Kindergarten Registration

school child backpackSUMMIT KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION  •  February 6 and 7
Registration for the 2017-18 Summit Public Schools Half-Day Kindergarten program, open to all Summit children who will be five years old on or before October 1, will take place February 6 – 7.  Registration packets are available by visiting, or in person at the Jefferson Primary Center, 110 Ashwood Avenue, and the Wilson Primary Center, 14 Beekman Terrace.  Appointments must be made to register children at the Primary Center they will attend. Parents that are unsure which Primary Center their child will attend are instructed to call either Primary Center for information.  To schedule a registration appointment or for further information, contact Eileen Mortenson at the Jefferson Primary Center, 908-918-2160 ext. 6752, or Donna Schneider at the Wilson Primary Center 908-918-2175 ext. 6652.

Jefferson Primary Center, 110 Ashwood Avenue, Summit or
Wilson Primary Center, 14 Beekman Terrace, Summit


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Author: Patricia Cassin


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