Stuck Indoors? Great Ways to Keep the Little Ones Happy

Oh the weather outside is frightful… Inside can turn frightful too if the little ones have been stuck inside day after day! No need to let those cold weather spells spoil your fun this winter. Here is a great article from on 100 Ways to Keep Little Kids Happy by Nancy Rones. It includes 10 ideas for each topic:

1. Pretend-Play Games
2. Take-Alongs That Make Waiting Fun
3. Rainy Day Plans
4. Easy Art Project
5. Toys That Are Worth Every Penny
6. Games To Play With A Ball
7. Ways To Make Every Car Ride Rock
8. Books Toddlers Love
9. Really Fun 5-Minute Activities
10. CDs Kids Adore


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Author: ellseaver

Family Editor - When it comes to family matters, there is always something to talk about. Ellen shares the latest.