Stressbusters For Teens

High School Students are welcome to join Susan Kameno, Physical Education Instructor and certified Child Yoga Instructor on Tuesday afternoons. Learn healthy tools to help manage stress. The course will include yoga, guided meditations, mindfulness, progressive relaxation, aromatherapy and journaling.
Registration is open to high school students grades 9 thru 12 and will be on Tuesday afternoons, from 5:30pm to 6:30pm January 10 through February 14th. $75/6 classes
Call 201-670-5500 ext 301 for more details.
Ridgewood Community Center, located at Village Hall, Anne Zusy Youth Lounge, 131 N. Maple Ave., Ridgewood.
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You Want a Food That Packs a Punch of Nutrition? EAT KALE!
TRY: Barley & Kale Salad
A Tiny Little Seed That Packs a Big Punch of Nutrition.
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This Vitamin Made a Huge Difference for my Hair.
Sometimes just simple changes in your nutritional habits
can have profound (and lasting) effects.