Ridgewood Friends of Music — BRAVO!!
If I could choose one talent, I would want to be able to sing. I love music, but couldn’t carry a tune if it was in a shopping bag. If I allow myself to go there, I can actually stir up some pretty strong feelings of envy for those with musical ability and resentment for my parents for not passing along better DNA. A couple Fridays ago my greenish hue was at an all time high. Very last minute — I’d appreciate better notice in the future, Dave — a friend of mine sent an email he was performing in the Ridgewood Friends of Music Annual Fundraiser. Larry and I had no plans, so we ran over to catch the show. At only $20 per ticket, we figured, what did we have to lose? Turns out we had everything to gain.
From opera to rock to jazz to barbershop, we were thoroughly entertained and more than a little impressed. Ms. Kristen Plumley, Ridge mom, president of Ridgewood FOM and opera soprano, not only organized the evening, but blew the doors off with her performance. Mr. Jon Schmarak, Ridgewood 5th grade instrumental teacher, did things with the trumpet I thought were impossible. It actually brought me to tears. Mr. John Lange, GW music teacher, partnered with his son for the sweetest, most heartwarming Beatle’s medley. Aidan Winn, a BF student, sang a Broadway song, making me wonder why he isn’t in a recording studio. Ms. Jean Schoenlank, principal at Ridge School, with her barbershop quartet, showed the kids there is more to her than meets the eye. She showed me barbershop quartet is more than four guys in funny hats. A highlight for me was seeing Dave Slomin (Waiting for Henry) partner with the incredible Jennifer Green on cello to recreate his indy rock song into something altogether different and moving.
There were many performances, and each one was unique and amazing. I could go on, but I will simply get to my point. Next year, DO NOT miss this event!! You will be helping a great cause, be witness to all the talent our town has to offer and have a great night out. Prepare to be jealous … uh, I mean amazed.