Reverse Crunch with a Ball

The transversus abdominus (TA) is our deepest stomach muscle and it works in conjunction with the lower back muscles and surrounding tissues to form a natural corset. It also functions to protect our internal organs (think of when you “brace” yourself for impact when your toddler jumps on you). But, this muscle can be tricky to target and using lower body weight can get at this muscle and in particular the fibers below the belly button. Lying on your back, place your legs over a fitness ball grabbing onto it with your heels. As you exhale, press your lower back into the floor and using those lower abs, lift legs, hips and ball off the ground bringing your knees toward your chest. Inhale as you slowly lower your hips then the ball back to the floor for just a “tap” before going right back into the lift. Do 2 sets of 10 – 20 reps.

Notes: If you have weak ab muscles or lower back issues do not lower the ball all the way to the floor on each repetition, instead lower just until you are about to feel it in your back then lift back up. Strengthening the abdominal muscles will help combat lower back problems.

Easier: Do the movement exactly as above with a smaller ball (like a child’s ball or soccer ball) and hold it between your knees. Do not use any ball, but keep your knees bent at 90 degrees.

Harder: Straighten your legs and hold the ball between your ankles and using your lower abs press your heels toward the ceiling. Use a 4-8 pound medicine ball between your knees or ankles.


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Author: tammyjuco

Motivating and assisting you and your family to a healthier and happier lifestyle.


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