Our Favorite Holiday Cookies, Cakes & Treats
Here are some of our TipsFromTown staff’s favorite Holiday Treats.
Happy Baking and Happy Holidays from our TipsFromTown Family!
1. Peppermint White Chocolate Chip Cookies.
5. Chocolate Covered Buckeyes.
6. Tammy’s Creamy, Crunchy Nanaimo Bars
8. Candy Canes & White Chocolate Peppermint Bark
9. Beth’s Easy Reindeer Cupcakes for the Last-Minute Mom.
10. Reindeer Poop.
(AKA Karen’s Red Velvet Balls)
11. Emily’s Luscious Lemon Squares:
That Perfect Balance of Sweet and Tart.
12. GLUTEN-FREE Peanut Butter Kisses
13. Stained Glass Cut-Out Cookies
14. Mini Cheesecake Pretzel Bites with Sprinkles.
15. Black-Bottomed Coconut Bars–With a GLUTEN FREE Version.
16. Chocolate Pixies
17. Rich Chocolatey-Chocolate Chip Shortbread Cookies
19. Mini-Chocolate Truffle Cakes

23. Orange Poppyseed Bundt Cake.
15+ of Our Favorite Family Games
Need of a quick hostess gift?
A batch of homemade candied nuts is a perfect gift!
Is Your Elf on the Shelf Stressing You OUT!?
We Have Elf Ideas for You.
A Holiday Treat That No One Can Resist:
Peppermint Bark
We have Tips on How to Enjoy a STRESS FREE Holiday Season!
Making Something with Pumpkin? Find Out Why It’s Good for You.