“Nightly Entry is Subject to Doorman Discretion”

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Just a little anecdote – I found this a little amusing and a little unnerving at the same time. Like I said in prior posts, my girls and I share a birthday and we did it up big last weekend in  NYC. Jane picked a hip hotel and a FABULOUS place for dinner. She chose Vandal in the meatpacking district because it got fantastic reviews, you enter through a floral shop and it had a “lounge” downstairs. She thought it would be fun to have dinner (at OMG 9:30) and then go dancing in the lounge afterward.Well, at first thought I was like, OK, that would be fun but then I realized that dinner wouldn’t end til probably near 11:30 and that sounded like the PERFECT time for us to go back to the hotel and get in Pajamas and do each other’s hair! The restaurant was the place to be and BE Seen! Unfortunately for us, we were among the 5% over 40. Hey, don’t get me wrong, we looked good, we are hip and fun, and can party with the best of them. However, watching the pretty people walk into the restaurant and wait in line to enter the “lounge” was a little disgruntling. The outfits were what you would imagine on the runway or sidelines at New York Fashion Week!

Prior to our dinner, Jane informed us that admission to the club was “subject to doorman discretion.” Well, I saw that doorman and could have birthed that doorman – I wasn’t that confident that my simple black dress and suede flat boots would make the cut. The denim jacket I had over it didn’t seem cool anymore – it seemed frumpy. I started getting nervous. SO, when our two hour dinner was over and it was time to decide whether or not we wanted to go to the lounge, we reached a unanimous decision: We wouldn’t even ATTEMPT to get into the lounge – we would walk away and never know if we would have been turned down due to the doorman’s discretion or not. So, you see, we left on a high with the potential to exit on a low. Never underestimate the craftiness of your girlfriends. We can rationalize and spin ANY uncomfortable situation. And that is why I love them!



The meal was RIDICULOUS! Two of us shared the Ribeye and it was fantastic!

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Author: Thea Ferzola


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