New School Lunch Program

If you regularly read my articles, you’ve heard me mention many times my concern about the growing obesity epidemic in our kids. Kids spend more time in sedentary activities (TV, computer, video games etc) than active playing, not to mention the time spent at school sitting AND the huge decrease in Physical Education in schools. These actions only further propagate the problem.  Add to this increased processed foods, larger portion sizes, the “fast food” society mentality that drives everywhere, takes escalators, and has a tendency to opt for the quick fix meals and snacks (which often translate into prepackaged/ processed/ unhealthy foods). No wonder our kids are at greater risk for metabolic diseases.

This year in schools we will see the effects of a new bill to support and encourage healthy food programs across the U.S. The premise of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act” is to offer reduced prices or free meals and to improve the nutritional value of the all foods offered in schools including the vending machines.  The Act will aim to decrease junk foods and sugary drinks, and increase funding for locally grown (farm-to-school) foods and to begin or enhance school-run gardens to grow food for the school’s use.  Finally, the Act will also strive to begin or enhance school wellness policies using the most recent guidelines and partnering with relevant community groups.

Regardless of your political preference, this Act can only help in the fight against childhood obesity by providing healthy alternatives, decreasing costs as wells as educating the students first hand on appropriate nutritional choices.

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Author: tammyjuco

Motivating and assisting you and your family to a healthier and happier lifestyle.


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