Mother’s Day Brunch
Treat mom to brunch–she deserves it! You can keep it simple if you’re not a chef and buy pre-made items from your local grocery or try a few recipes below. Either way, it’s the thought that counts and I will…I mean, she will definitely appreciate it.
Haven’t gotten a gift?
20+ Gifts for Mom That Will Make it There by Sunday
Cocktails are a must.
Serve mimosas or bellinis-we make ours with Ruby Red Grapefruit.
Have some virgin cocktails available too.
Or serve a refreshing fruit infused water, lemonade or ice tea.
Watermelon Spiked (or Not) Lemonade
Raspberry Cooler
Grown-Up Frozen Lemonade
Classic Firefly Cocktail
Tequila Thyme Lemonade
Make some bite-size nibbles.
You can keep it simple–it’s the thought that counts. Spread a yummy chutney on small toasts like above;
we used plum chutney and topped with coriander leaves. If you have the inclination to bake something
try Easy Egg Forentine Muffins, French Toast Bites, or Mini Veggie Fritattas.
Bake a quiche or casserole ahead of time.
Use fresh produce from the farmers’ market and make our Tomato Corn Pie.
Or one of our other favorites:
Potato-Cheddar Quiche
Caramelized Pear & Gorgonzola Quiche
Tomato & Goat Cheese Bake
Ham Hash
Potato, Sausage & Spinach Breakfast Casserole
Is mom gluten-free? Try one of these gluten-free recipes.
Almond Flour Waffles
Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Muffins
Gluten-Free Blueberry Pancakes
Buckwheat Pancakes
Or Keep it Light.
If mom’s watching what she eats, simply serve fresh fruit with nuts, chutneys and cheeses. Or try something healthy like our Yogurt Granola Parfaits (below.) Or serve Mason Jar Oatmeal in decorated containers.
Create a pretty table.
Use cut flowers from the garden and arrange in bud vases.
Pull our her silver and linens–she’ll appreciate it and it will make the meal more memorable.
Get the kids involved. Have them write place cards with a favorite mommy memory. Show them how to wrap linens with pretty flower buds or sprigs of rosemary or thyme.
35 Things Moms REALLY Want for Mother’s Day
20+ Gifts for Mom That Will Make it There by Sunday
Should You Add Ginger to your Diet?
Creative Ideas for School Lunches
Expensive? Yes. Worth it? Probably.
Black Tap is All That.