Mix it Up Friday!

Robert Muller

Robert Muller
Friday Nov 3 • 5:00–9:00 p.m.
What could be better than cocktails in a beautiful and inspiring space with friends? Every first Friday, Cleveland Museum of Art hosts one of the best parties in town: “Mix.” This week, Mix will be in honor of CMA’s blockbuster exhibition The Jazz Age: American Style in the 1920s, join us for a glimpse back in time at the style, music, and feel of the Jazz Age. Enjoy a selection of specialty cocktails from the era while listening to the inspired stylings of Dominick Farinacci and the Stokes Legacy Jazz Orchestra, in partnership with Tri-C JazzFest. Attire reminiscent of flappers, mobsters, and crooners is encouraged.
$10 in advance, $15 event date. CMA members FREE.
Advance tickets $8; $10 day of event.
CMA members free.
Reservations recommended.
Cash bar and food are available for purchase.
For more information and tickets: www.clevelandart.org
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