Man Style, or Lack Thereof
A couple of years ago, my husband and I were getting ready for a night out. Although the clothes he wore to work had improved over time, it became obvious to even him that his casual-wear-style stalled somewhere in the mid-’90’s. Sure, he had the basic mens’ uniform (you know it as the Navy Blazer/Khaki pants combo) but the rest of his clothes appeared to have come from a J. Crew catalog buried in some old time capsule.
Neiman Marcus Last Call T-tech by Tumi Waterproof Wool Top Coat
Orig. Price $290 Sale Price $160.30. Sale ends 10/15/13 8amWith the lure of a beer or two, he agreed to let me go shopping with him — with a proviso: I promised I wouldn’t force him to buy anything, and he promised to at least try on the articles I had strong feelings about.
I called ahead to the department store where we thought we would have the most success and described the situation to the saleswoman who answered. She agreed to take on the challenge. We chatted about his personality, size, style, likes/dislikes and what I would like to see him in, if given the choice. When we got to the store at the agreed time, she had already placed some outfits in the dressing room for him.Immediately we were able to eliminate some, and she replaced them with styles closer to what we were looking for. As he tried on more articles, we were able to zero in on brands that fit his body-type best.
Once we got him into clothes that fit properly, (he had been wearing a size too big for years) he looked ten pounds lighter. He was able to see the updated version of himself the same way those enlightened victims do on the popular show, “What Not To Wear.”All was going smoothly until he saw the price tags. This was our biggest hurdle. We decided to remove some of the pieces and add them to our wish list for future purchase. The remaining items he committed to buy, with some trepidation.Looking back now he appreciates an experience he had dreaded. It may be because he has not been subjected to a store since! When he needs an updated piece, we know which brands fit him and what sizes to get. Often, the same saleswoman will call when she sees something she thinks he would like or pulls it when it is about to go on sale.When I am discount shopping I always scan the scene for fun additions. Online shopping is another way to supplement and get fantastic prices. See pictures above. A great way to find key pieces on sale. (Keep in mind, button down shirts are very out unless you are wearing them with khaki pants-shows your age.)When we go out these days he reaches into the closet and comes out looking put together, current and confident.Written by: Helen Dolan