Kids and Hearing Loss

Here’s an interesting fact:  Based on findings from Journal of American Medical Association, there was a published study which found 1 in 5 American teenagers now has mild hearing loss. These numbers increased in recent years with adolescents 12-19 years of age and jumped up 19.5% in 2005-2006 from 14.5% in 1988-1994.  Why?  Increased exposure and amount of use to loud noises, volume on cell phones, Ipods, MP3 players.  What can be done?  If your concerned, have your child see their doctor or audiologist for a hearing test. As a parent, be aware of amount of exposure your children have to loud noises and limit the exposure where possible.  All good information, especially as I am listening to my girls dance around the family room to Katy Perry right now and the house is vibrating!!!

(Article found in – April 16th, 2012. Written by Erica Patino, Everyday Health Senior Associate Editor “It’s a Loud, Loud, Loud World” written August 24, 2010)

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Author: megandunphey