Is Your Elf on the Shelf Stressing You Out?!
My kids have pretty high expectations this year for our Elf on the Shelf. They’re expecting a pretty high level of creativity from him. A few years ago, they were delighted when he just showed up on a shelf in their room. Now, well, they want mischief and daring. Unlike many of my more creative and decimated friends, I don’t have time for elaborate scenes involving sprinkles and flour. Honestly, the whole thing is totally stressing me…I mean, him, OUT!
So “he” found a kit to help “him” come up with some creative ideas. The suction boots alone have changed my…I mean, his life! Those things can suction onto anything! It gives you 60 ideas plus props and retails for $24.99. Shop local and grab one from your local book stores or online. “He” also signed up for a daily email of ideas.
Here are a few recent sitings in our house thanks to a little extra help. The jury has seemed pleasantly surprised.

Hanging out is easy in his new suction boots.

A new prop to hang onto.
See more of our staff’s ideas for your elf friend.
ESD (Elf Stress Disorder):
Is it Real and Can You Prevent It?
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