Is 50 the New 40?

I would have to say “Yes, indeed it is!” I am not saying this because I am about to approach the (gasp) half a century mark, I am saying this because I am surrounded by healthy, intelligent, beautiful women that have redefined the boundaries of turning fifty. Thanks to these ladies, fifty is no longer a daunting number associated with tri-monthly trips to the colorist or routine trips to the dermatologist for injections of fillers! The women that I know that have turned fifty seriously look not a day over forty. Not even one of them.

Perhaps it is because we are all more aware of what we put in our bodies, and the benefits of exercise and proper nutrition. Or maybe it is because some just don’t give a hoot and enjoy their vodka and occasional cigarette.  Maybe it is because women have managed to rise up in the ranks corporately, as small business owners, as sole caretakers and even as global leaders. Or perhaps it is the supermom who raises her children and manages to balance it all.

Maybe women have managed to look their best because inside they have a secret confidence that we once didn’t have. It hasn’t even been a century since women were deemed more than property, and the 19th Amendment was passed giving us the right to vote. I know it still isn’t an even playing field salary-wise and the like, but one has to admit that we “sure have come a long way baby.” Today, I’d like to use this forum to congratulate each and every one of my fellow women who is either teetering on the edge of 50 or has already crossed the bridge. I am proud to be in your company; proud to read of your successes on social media; and proud to call you a friend when you take me into your confidence. My girlfriends play a huge part in my life and knowing that we have each other to support for the next fifty years is what I look forward to most!

P.S. And this means that yes, 40 IS the new 30! See how this works? 🙂

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Author: Thea Ferzola


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