I Would Be Selfish If I Didn’t Share This ….
As we get older we need, well, all the help we can get. Call it vanity, call it sanity, truth be told it is just NOT easy getting older. I discovered this awesome FREE app titled “Airbrush” – and it has changed the way I see myself – ha! literally!
The benefits are many. The app can whiten teeth, remove under eye dark circles, tighten jawlines and even firm up a saggy arm or two! The downside is that even though you may create an amazing picture that looks straight out of People Magazine, the truth is – it is a fake!
Don’t get me wrong, I am going to continue to use this app. And I’m here to spread the word to women over 40 that feel they need a little boost without going to the dermatologist for a booster of Botox. The thing is though, I’m a little afraid to meet people after putting one of my altered photos up on social media! I mean people must be like “Damn she posted an old picture of herself!”
Recently, I vacationed with my girlfriends, and after showing them my app they were all requesting some type of edit or another – “Make my arm thinner! Take out my gray hair! Slim my tummy!” It was fun to perfect our vacation tans, as it was applying “sultry” make up to the five of us – but at the crack of dawn,we each came staggering out of our rooms to wish one another good morning with blood shot eyes and creaky knees. Give this app a shot and have fun with it! Just keep in mind that we may be able to fool old high school pals, whom we haven’t seen in twenty plus years, but we certainly aren’t going to fool those that see us day in and day out. Thank God those are the ones who love us with our flaws and all!

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