How To Make Memorial Day More Meaningful

Memorial Day is often a day of barbecues, parties, and celebrating the coming of summer. It can be easy to get lost in all the activities and miss out on the opportunity to honor military heroes and loved ones who have passed away. If you’re looking for a way to enjoy the day with more meaning attached, here are some ideas.

1. Display the U.S. flag outside your house.

2. Contact Letters to Soldiers and write a letter, make a card, or create a banner and have it delivered to a deployed soldier.

3. Create a menu made up of favorite recipes from your ancestors. Take a trip back in time as you find out who served in the military.

4. Bring doughnuts or patriotic cookies to your local veterans hospital or VFW.

5. Suggest Your School Participates in the Take a Veteran to School Day.

6. Tie yellow ribbons around the trunks of your trees as a reminder that we support our country’s men and women in the military and are waiting for them to come home safely.

7. Make a Care Package for Adopt a Platoon or Operation Gratitude.

8. Learn to Distinguish the Different Military Uniforms with Coloring Pages.

9. Read a book about Memorial Day with your kids like The Wall, by Eve Bunting.

10. Decorate the Memorial of a Fallen Service Member with Flowers or Cards. Visit for a complete listing of veteran’s cemeteries and contact information.

11. Before dinner or bedtime, say a prayer or have a moment of silence in remembrance of those who’ve died. Or, take part in the National Moment of Remembrance at 3 p.m.

12. Go online together and read the names of fallen soldiers. You won’t be able to read every name, but just seeing the lists will help your kids understand that those who sacrificed their lives are more than just numbers.

13. If you attend a parade, teach your kids to stand and place their hands over their hearts when the flag goes by and stand and clap when veterans march past.

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Author: erinpruitt

I believe the best stuff is passed along. I will be sharing insider "tips" for your home, and fun ideas for your free time.


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