Have Germs, Will Travel
We have all had the experience of sitting next to someone on the subway, in a movie theater or at a meeting whose phlegmy, hacking cough makes us change our seats and speed dial our doctor for some prophylaxis. While traveling, moving out of the viral line of fire is not so easy. We are confined to our seats, not knowing the health history of the people who are rubbing our elbows, passing us our pretzels and awkwardly climbing over us to use the bathroom. We are sharing intimate quarters with hundreds of other people, many of whom are snotty kids, some of whom are ill, some of whom will become ill within the next 48 hours, and therefore, are at their most contagious. It is the frenzied equivalent of a bacterial and viral rave — these little buggers don’t need Ecstasy. they want to be all over you even without it. How can you protect yourself and your family?
1. Support your immune system — The same things you do to avoid getting sick in the winter, can help you in the week or weeks before you travel. Get ample sleep, eat healthy foods, increase fruits and vegetables, and cut down on caffeine. Increase your intake of vitamin C, vitamin E and Zinc, either directly in your diet or by taking supplements.
2. Avoid dehydration — Drink plenty of fluids before, during and after your flight. As much as it pains me to say, avoid alcohol. There will be plenty when you land. Buy water bottles at the gate and remind your kids to drink. Staying well hydrated will help the immune system function at its best and prevent the skin and nasal passages from becoming dry and cracked. This will help prevent bacteria and viruses from breaking through your natural barriers. 3. Clean your area when you board — Don’t be embarrassed to wipe down your seats, armrests and tray tables with antibacterial wipes. This type of behavior may attract funny looks, but better than having the stomach flu on vacation. Besides, a little crazy behavior and parents might keep those snotty kids farther from you and yours.
4. Clean yourself –I’m not saying you are dirty, but … after you leave the bathroom, futz with the volume and channel buttons, adjust the air flow and fall asleep with your cheek against the window, you are a walking petri dish. Bring some antibacterial clanser and rub it on everyone’s hands every hour or so. When you get to your final destination, change all of your clothes and either wash them in hot water or bag them until you get home. 5. Over the counter prevention — Products like Airborne claim to boost the immune system prior to being in crowded areas or at the first sign of a cold. The effectiveness of these supplements has never been proven. The main ingredients are usually vitamin C and echinacea. While they are not FDA-tested, they probably won’t hurt you.
I have a friend who recommends bringing a lint brush and sweeping the seats. I have another friend who puts neosporin up her nostrils. I’ve seen people with surgical masks on their faces. A little OCD? Maybe, but, the only thing worse than being sick, is being sick away from home.