Fresh Thanksgiving Turkey
Our first Thanksgiving in Ridgewood was 5 years ago. We were lucky enough to have a little guidance from long-time RW residents: “You have to get your turkey from Goffle Road Farm. They’re the best!” We took their advice, ordered our turkey and the Wednesday before, I elected my husband to pick up the bird! (I knew there would be a line out the door.) It was, indeed, a fabulous, flavorful turkey!
Goffle is the Silvestris‘ family-owned and operated business by and has been in the family for 3 generations. Joseph and Rose Silvestri, came over from Italy in 1920 and first opened in Paterson, N.J with Belmont Poultry in 1930. Joseph and Rose’s son, Dominic, started Goffle Road Poultry Farm of Wyckoff, N.J. in 1948.
Their turkeys are grown right at their farm the old fashioned way. Their poultry is hormone-free, preservative- free and stress-free which they say is what produces “a juicier, moister, more succulent and tastier bird!” The birds have a good life (until Thanksgiving, of course.) They live in open turkey porches, soaking up the fresh air and are allowed to move freely about. They’re fed grains, corn, fresh water and are never given any steroids or preservatives. They range from 10 lbs up to 26+. Turkeys are $2.89 per pound. Make sure to call one week before to insure your order.
The retail store is open all year Monday through Saturday from 9:00 – 6:00 daily and you can buy fresh chicken, quail, duck and more.
Goffle Road Poultry Farm, 549 Goffle Road, Wyckoff, NJ. 201-444-3238.