Food Allergy Info and Medicine at Your Fingertips With PreppyEpi

There’s no doubt that a child’s severe food allergy is cause for tremendous concern, particularly when you are dropping your child off  for a playdate or party. Enter the PreppyEpi to lessen those worries! Created by mother of four Meredith Kole, the PreppyEpi is a recognizable carrying case built to put medicine and key info at parents’ fingertips. It includes an allergy awareness checklist, emergency contact information, and how-to guide while comfortably fitting 2 auto-injectors and 2 single-dose antihistamine (medicine not included). Need another plus? The PreppyEpi is stylish to boot – for both boys and girls – and it was time to say goodbye to those Ziploc baggies anyway!

The cost for one bag is $14.99. Check out for more info or to purchase one.

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Author: ellseaver

Family Editor - When it comes to family matters, there is always something to talk about. Ellen shares the latest.


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