Fitness that Fits YOU

When going to a hair salon, many of us will bring a picture of how we would like our hair styled, or maybe you go to the salon or stylist of your neighbor or friend whose hair you covet. This is not new behavior and in fact, many of us do this exact same thing when it comes to clothing. But like our hair and clothing, the exact same recipe/formula, technique, artist may not exactly produce the precise looks you desired. My question is – how could it? Each of us so very unique that hair texture, skin tone, body type – and yes, our genes can be the difference between success and apparent failure. So just like your outward style and appearance, fitness MUST be unique to you. Many people become utterly frustrated and may even throw in their sweaty towel and quit fitness altogether because Gwyneth Paltrow’s workout isn’t generating her body on you. Or following the exact weight lifting program, right down to reps, sets and weight, of your 20 something year old niece isn’t producing similar results for you. Perhaps your newly slimmed down, highly energized neighbor swears by a particular form of fitness (Barre, Crossfit, Zumba) so you plop down your money and join her and lo and behold – not the dramatic changes you were banking on. Maybe your best friend is fanatical about the latest cleanse, juice or bar and vows it is the magical elixir to her transformation.

If any or all of the above is familiar you need to stop looking to others and start focusing on YOU. Yes, there’s most likely validity to all these testimonies but mostly because that’s what worked for that person. Health and fitness successes are convoluted and complex and it’s a different formula for every person. Absolutely, food and exercise play the dominant roles, which is why you may see moderate success trying other people’s regimes. But you also have to look at that person’s lifestyle as a whole. There is an entire psychology behind health and fitness that many of these formulae don’t include or even consider.  Also, if we were all celebs and had our very own personal trainer, personal chef and the monetary drive to achieve/maintain a certain body type – then yes we all could probably do it. As for the types of exercise you do – your success depends on YOUR body’s genetic makeup and metabolism(plus age, hormone levels, and previous fitness and health history). Some body types respond better to weight training, some to cardio and some require a combination. Some people eat well and just need to be more active; some are active but need to adjust eating habits; some need both. Your needs and those of a celebrity, relative, neighbor or friend, could all be completely different. Maybe Crossfit is the perfect thing for your neighbor, but maybe you absolutely hate the difficulty and intensity of that type of exercise. Where do you get inspiration and motivation? Are you better training solo plugged into your favorite workout tunes or do you love being with a large group, commiserating together through a workout? Maybe a cleanse isn’t working for you because you don’t have time, energy, or patience for all that food prep. Maybe those miracle bars work for your friend but you find them revolting. Another factor important for fitness success is finding something you enjoy and you will incorporate into your lifestyle, otherwise the success will be temporary at best.

In the end, word of mouth has its place in health and fitness (and a very important place I might add) BUT use it to try new things, provide you with information and then make your OWN assessments. But don’t always expect what works for one will work for you. You are special and unique (and thank goodness for that!) so with a little trial and error you can discover the fitness formula that best fits you.


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Author: tammyjuco

Motivating and assisting you and your family to a healthier and happier lifestyle.


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