Do This VS That

nutrition, Eat this, not that, healthy nutritional habits, bad habits, dieting, weight loss, fat loss, food choices, breakfast, protein, carb, fruits, vegetables, portion, tips from town

I think we can all agree that poor habits are the typical culprits of weight gain. With more and more Americans becoming obese people have the desire to change bad habits. It’s difficult to actually lose your excess weight and even more difficult to keep that weight off, as opposed to regaining it all and then some, once the diet is over. Here are some Good Habits to promote successful Long-term weight loss/maintenance:

-Drink a large glass of water 20 minutes before every meal vs soda or juice during the meal

-Place your utensils down in between bites vs devouring it as fast as you can

-Eat breakfast – always vs running out the door with a cup of Joe

-Breakfast with protein, fruits and veg vs pop tarts or sugary cereal

-Drink water all day long vs juice, soda, or other sugary drinks

-Drink Coconut water vs sports drinks

-No eating after dinner is done vs midnight snacking

-Eat 4-5 smaller meals every 3 hours or so vs 3 BIG meals

-Lean Protein every meal vs carbs

-Veg and fruits vs carbs

-Broth soups vs cream soups

-Choose whole grains and complex high fiber carbs vs white bread, pastries, bagels (this applies to pastas too – whole wheat, brown rice over regular pasta and white rice)

-Use a medium plate filled mostly with veg, then protein, then carbs (if any) vs regular dinner plate filled with pasta and sprinkled with parsley and 3 pieces of meat

-Choose fruits vs cookies, candies, cakes and other sugary sweets.

-Allow an “occasional” treat vs dessert everyday with each meal




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Author: tammyjuco

Motivating and assisting you and your family to a healthier and happier lifestyle.


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