DIY Superbowl Fun

No-bake Superbowl Treats

Football Krispies: Follow the usual rice krispie treat recipe, only use cocoa krispies instead. (not cocoa puffs!) After the butter and marshmallows and cereal are mixed, butter your hands and start shaping into footballs. Once they’ve cooled, use either home-made or store-bought white frosting to “lace up the footballs.”

Giants Jerseys: To make these pops I use pre-packaged Rice Krispie Treats. They were the perfect shape and size. For the main body of each shirt I used a whole treat and cut a “V” shape out of the top for the neck. Then I attached the arms to each side which was a cut out square, 1/4 of a treat. I melted blue candy chips from the crafts store and carefully added enough blue and violet dye to get a dark blue that more like the Giants color than the baby blue color of the candy melts. White frosting pipes the letters.

Family Fun Activity: To get everyone – and we mean everyone – excited to watch the actual game, we recommend a little friendly bet. Here’s an easy to print list from with betting questions ready to go. Questions include whether or not the national anthem will run longer than 2 minutes, if the score will be tied at half time or on what color the Gatorade will be that’s dumped on the winning coach. What’s great about betting is that it gets everyone engaged, interested and interactive with the game. Have a set buy-in for everyone playing. Make your guesses before the game starts – in pen! Then, root away. At the end of the game, whoever guessed the most correct answers (just tally it up) wins. A tie means the two winners split.

And get your little football fans in action too with a no-mess craft making foam visors that’s sure to please.

Also, our Food Editor put together a fabulous Super Bowl menu.

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Author: erinpruitt

I believe the best stuff is passed along. I will be sharing insider "tips" for your home, and fun ideas for your free time.


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January 12, 2016

Lace Up Boys!