Diary of a Wimpy Kid Double Down

Year: 2016
“There aren’t many hardcover books that I will buy for my children. It has to be something that they will read more than once. We own the entire Diary of a Wimpy Kid series because my children always come back to them. My son has read each one dozens of times.
-Heather Zachariah, Luke’s mom
by Luke Zachariah (age 9)
I love Diary of a Wimpy Kid books. I could read them over and over and over again until my mom takes them away because she wants me to read something else. In Book Number 11, Greg watches a movie where a guy is being secretly filmed and doesn’t even know it and ends up becoming famous. Then, Greg starts thinking that he, too, is being secretly filmed. Just like in a lot of his other books, Greg becomes convinced that he will be famous. He even comes up with a catch-phrase for himself (since most famous actors have one.) His catch phrase? “Well, bite my biscuits.” Then, he starts to think that maybe everyone around him is actually an actor. His mom, as always, is telling him to stop playing video games. And all of this movie business gives him an idea: to make his own movie called “Night of the Nightcrawlers.” I always think these books are funny because Greg is always a loser and thinks such crazy things.
One of my favorite parts is when his brother is looking at colleges:
“Roderick wrote to a handful of schools to ask for their brochures, and mom got all excited when they came in the mail. But most of the colleges were for dogs, which either Roderick didn’t notice or he thinks those my be the only schools he has a chance getting into.”
On a scale of 1 to 10, I’d give this book a 9. If you’re a fan of the series, you’ll love this one too. Definitely buy it.
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