Dazed & Confused in the Halloween Maze
Also check out our Halloween Cocktail: A Bourbon Apple & Thyme Sipper
You’d think after living in Ridgewood 7 years, I’d be better at navigating my way through the maze! But the Stewarts stump me EVERY time! If you’re new to Ridgewood, you’ll find the famous Halloween maze on Sheridan Street where the Stewart family invites strangers to their backyard every year to confuse, scare and lose themselves–for free!
This aMAZing and unique Ridgewood tradition has been going on for 20 years! Every fall, the Stewart family designs and constructs a Halloween maze that attracts people of all ages–from all over! The maze is constructed with 7-foot-tall stakes, simple twine, clear glass, one-way glass with a floor covered in hay. I remain in awe of the blood, sweat and tears that this family puts into this cherished tradition.
When you see the size of the maze, you’re likely to assume that it will be a no-brainer. You might be surprised just how long it takes to make it to the end. The average first-timer spends 50 minutes trying to find their way out. Every year, as I wander the maze opening doors and navigating narrow passages, just as think I’m nearing the finish, I find myself exactly where I started. If you’re lucky, you might get some helpful hints from the Stewarts who sit up on their deck watching visitors and throw out an occasional clue or point out to you, “That’s the 3rd time you tried that door. You’re going the wrong way!”

The Stewarts take maze-planning seriously!
The design of the maze changes every year and is carefully planned out by the Stewarts. Each box of the maze is 27″ x 27″. When you enter through a door, there could be a door right behind you that you could easily overlook and will keep you searching for the way out a little longer.
When to go:
For little ones, go when it’s light out. After school on weekdays is less crowded.
For older kids and adults, the maze becomes a little creepier after the sun sets. Expect creepy creatures and scary, giant clowns lurking around corners. Don’t be surprised if you are chased or feel a real hand grabbing from behind a wall.
The maze is usually open 4pm to 9 p.m on weekdays, and Noon to 9 pm on weekends.
In the event of rain, they will close. Admission is free.
Where is it
The maze is located at 124 Sheridan Terrace, Ridgewood.
The whole town would like to thank you, Stewart family,
for bringing so much joy and excitement to our kids year after year!
Watch this video to see how the Stewart family does it:
A Bourbon Apple & Thyme Sipper