Daffodil Festival
The Daffodil Earth Day Festival • Sunday, April 17 • 11 am – 2pm
Bring the kids for a day of fun to celebrate Earth Day. The Conservancy for Ridgewood Public Lands will join with REAC for a Daffodil Festival and Earth day celebration. The theme is: “Butterflies, Bees, & Bats – Save Our Pollinators.”
Our community will hopefully be in full bloom with the 19,000 daffodil bulbs planted by the Conservancy. We invite Ridgewood businesses to celebrate with us by highlighting their “green” practices. We will provide the public with environmentally focused vendors and organizations. We will also include a “Daffy Dog” parade, plant sale, music and multiple activities for children including nature themed arts and crafts and educational displays.
VanNeste Square, Ridgewood NJ.