Concussion and Schoolwork

concussion and schoolworkThis week, Pediatrics released the results of a study which looked at academic performance in kids recovering from concussion. They looked at 349 students ages 5 -18 who had suffered a concussion. Not surprisingly, children who were still symptomatic from a concussion, reported more difficulty in school and those with more severe symptoms reported the most difficulty with academics post-concussion. While a study like this may not provide shocking results, there are some important take homes for parents.

— There are long term effects of concussion, and symptoms should be taken seriously.

— After a concussion, it is wise to inform not only coaches, but teachers and school administrators. After a head injury, even a mild one, students may need additional help and attention in school.

— Educating ourselves and our children about the impact of head injury is important. Instruct your children in proper safety precautions, know the symptoms, and make sure your kids understand the side effects from a concussion can be much worse than just missing a few games.

— We can infer from this study, multiple concussions may significantly affect academics. Subsequent concussions should raise even more concern.

— After a concussion, parents need to pay careful attention to many things including not only physical symptoms, but emotional problems and school performance.

Hopefully, this study starts the conversation on how mild head injury should be addressed in school.

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Author: Karen Latimer

Karen is a Family Doctor, mom of five and founder of Tips From Town.


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