The Preferred List:

Clutterflies LLC

Phone: Lisa Aninos 201-741-3013 or Anne Walsh 917-216-7236
Website: Click Here


  • 2BlueButterfliesLife in an organized home free of clutter is a wonderful thing!  You feel freerlighter, and more in control of your life.
  • If you feel overwhelmed by stuff as so many of us in the modern world do, so overwhelmed that you would rather not face the clutter or think about it, it is a good time to call a professional organizer.
  • Simply knowing what you already own may save you the expense of replacing items you assumed were lost or had forgotten existed.
  • Clutterflies can tackle any area of your home or garage that needs organizing and decluttering!
  • If you don’t have all that much clutter but would like to get the most of out of your highest-use living area, usually the kitchen and pantry area for most people, Clutterflies can cull and re-organize your kitchen and pantry, as well as offer tips for maintenance.
  • Clutterflies can help.clutterfliesName
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