Chest Press on Stability Ball
This exercise focuses on the chest muscles (pectoralis major and minor) but also the front of the shoulders and triceps. Because you are supporting yourself on an unstable surface (the ball), you need to work your core the entire time and the higher you hold your hips, the more you’ll work your glutes and hamstrings. Lie on the ball so your shoulders, neck and head are supported. Keep your feet hip width apart and your hips lifted. Hold the weights with palms facing away and elbows wide, in line with your chest. Engage the abdominals and as you exhale lift or press the weights up until your arms are straight. As you inhale, slowly lower the weights back to start – elbows will remain wide and stop at a level lower than the rest of your torso (this allows a small “pre-stretch” of the chest muscles before you press up again). Do 15- 20 reps of 5 pound dumbbells or higher as needed.
Modifications: Make it Easier: Keep the feet wide and drop the hips further down on the ball so more of your back is supported. Use lighter weights and /or fewer reps. If you are not comfortable on the ball this exercise can be done lying on the floor or on a bench. Make it Harder: As the exercise becomes easy, you can increase the weights or number of reps; bring your feet closer together and closer to the ball or support yourself on one foot only (this will decrease your stability); or place both feet on a wall at ball height to support yourself (be careful and be in control).