Do You Have Seasonal Affective Disorder?
Here in the northeast, we are angry, we are bitter, we are tired and we are sick. And frankly, we are sick and tired of being bitter and angry. On Instagram, there is a hashtag #f%$@thiswinter and while I find that mildly disturbing, it actually made me feel good to see a picture of a bloody snowman […]Does Tamiflu Work?
Revised for 2020 Read: Everything You Need to Know About the Flu Also read: Everything You Need to Know About the Flu You or someone in your family was just diagnosed with the flu. Now what? Just like the flu shot, there is a lot of controversy about Tamiflu, and with it, lots of misinformation. Tamiflu (oseltamivir phosphate) is an anti-viral medication, which […]25 Alternatives to Your New Year Resolution
We all know it to be true, resolutions don’t work. January 1st is no different than any other day in its ability to transform us, inspire change and break bad habits. Small, intentional new habits are the way to affect lasting change. Here are a 25 simple ways to lay the foundation for a healthier, […]2020: The Perfect Year to Find Balance
Santa has come and gone, the fridge is full of leftovers, and the branches on our tree are sagging low as if to say, “It’s over. Time to clean this mess up and get on with it. The new year, of course, is when we look back on what’s been done, and look ahead to what is […]Feed Your Face: Banana & Olive Oil
The best ingredients for face masks are always organic and made with ingredients you can find in your kitchen! This mask made with banana and is specially created for dry skin by Iva Sebestyan, owner of the facial spa, Flora’s Cottage in Ridgewood! Ingredients 1/2 banana 1 tablespoons olive oil Directions 1. Remove make up and thoroughly clean the face with your cleanser. […]Iva’s Oatmeal Mask for Oily Skin
The best ingredients are always organic and often the ones you already have in your kitchen. This mask is perfect to help prevent and tackle oily skin. It was created by Iva Sebestyan, owner of Flora’s Cottage in Ridgewood. Also Read: 8 Tips for Making the Most of Your Mask Ingredients 1/3 cup of oatmeal 1 teaspoon of honey few drops of freshly […]FEED YOUR FACE: Pear, Egg & Farmer’s Cheese.
The best ingredients for face masks are always organic and made with ingredients you can find in your fridge! This mask made with pear and farmers cheese was specially created by Iva Sebestyan, owner of the facial spa, Flora’s Cottage in Ridgewood! Also Read: 8 Tips for Making the Most of Your Mask Ingredients 1/2 a pear 1 egg yolk […]Subscribe!
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