Also Read: Explaining the Coronavirus to Kids I wrote a post years ago about staying healthy while traveling. It bears repeating today, as the hysteria over the novel coronavirus continues to mount. I feel for those who are ill, and for the families of those who have died, but at this point, even with all the […]Explaining the Coronavirus to Kids
The coronavirus is all over the news so there’s a good chance your kids–even little kids–have heard about it. So if they’re having some anxiety about it, check out “Just For Kids: A Comic Exploring The New Coronavirus” that was created by NPR News. Our school system sent this link out to parents today. It’s a comic strip that helps […]18 Foods (& Recipes) to Rev Up Your Immune System
You’ve taken your kids for their flu shots, you’ve stocked up on antibacterial soap and you’ve instructed your children to cough in their sleeve, to not share any drinks and to run for the hills when someone sneezes. But, is the food they are eating also helping to prevent the illnesses so prevalent at this time of […]Girls are more likely to tear an ACL
I marvel at the abuse my daughters’ bodies take on the field, and I am ever impressed by all female athletes, because, as a non-athlete middle aged woman, everything they do looks really painful. If I bang my elbow while reaching for something, I need a nap, an ice pack, and a margarita. If I […]A New Healthier Slant on a Walk
Every Thursday until March 27th, Valley Health System is sponsoring a walk and learn at Garden State Plaza. Meet up with a doctor and kill two birds with one stone … get fit and learn more about staying well from an expert. Walks start at 7am at Valley’s new Wellness & Walk-In Care Center (level […]What You Need to Know About Vaping
Why, oh why, does there always have to be something new to worry about?!? What the hell is vaping and why does it seem everyone is doing it? It all started with the introduction of e-cigarettes in 2007. Now, there are several different types of vaping devices, including MODS or advanced personal vaporizers and vape pens. E-cigs look like a […]What You Need to Know About This Year’s Flu
Yes, it is that time of year again … cold and flu season. We’ve got you covered, from prevention to treatment. The 2019-2020 Flu is Here TAMIFLU: Does It Really Cure the Flu? GERM ALERT: Are Your Gloves Making You Sick? TRY A HOMEMADE REMEDY: Homemade Honey & Onion Remedy for Coughs and Colds THE STOMACH […]What You Need to Know About Gastroenteritis
Also Read: Everything You Need to Know About the Flu Kids and adults are dropping like flies, and it seems everyone has a nagging nausea that won’t go away. First if all, there is no such thing as the stomach flu, but everyone will know what you mean. Doctors call it gastroenteritis. What Causes Gastroenteritis? […]Subscribe!
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