5 Foods You Shouldn’t Eat When You are Sick

Feed a cold, starve a fever. Or, is it, feed a fever, starve a cold? I can never remember, so I usually just go with my taste buds and feed both. But, what should you be eating when you are sick? Chicken soup would be the top hit if I surveyed a bunch of people. Toast or […]

Don’t Let Politics Destroy Your Health

Right around December 30th, my liver started shouting at me. Normally, she is really quiet and just does her business no matter what I throw at her. Usually, we get along very well. Now, not unlike the many family relationships that were destroyed in 2020, she and I are having a hard time finding common ground. […]

15+ Gifts to Stay Fit!

With 2020 closing down gyms and putting a spotlight on fitness and health, many people have already turned to home gyms or the great outdoors to get their fit fix.  This holiday season, I wanted to share some gift ideas for the fitness enthusiasts in your life. 1. Bands. With the shortage of dumbbells this year (or […]

Holiday Gifts to Keep Everyone Fit!

With 2020 closing down gyms and putting a spotlight on fitness and health, many people have already turned to home gyms or the great outdoors to get their fit fix.  This holiday season, I wanted to share some gift ideas for the fitness enthusiasts in your life. 1. Bands. With the shortage of dumbbells this […]

Say “Good-Bye” to Germs on Your Phone.

No, it’s not a tiny tanning bed for your phone–although it kind of looks like it. It’s a phone sanitizer and charger all in one. The PhoneSoap Pro UV sanitizes your phone and kills germs in just 5 minutes while it charges it. PhoneSoap’s UV-C light is totally safe for electronics and can get rid of 99.99% of germs–even tiny ones that hide in crevices where your cleaning […]

How to Protect Thier Eyes for At-Home Learning

When school means hours more in front of a screen, our kids can benefit from some eye protection. For $20 on Amazon, these are worth a try.  Originally published by dormMD. While virtual learning may protect you from coronavirus, it carries with it a slew of other health risks. Perhaps you have already noticed some of the symptoms associated with staring […]

Protecting Your Kids From Chronic Disease

Also read: Protecting Their Eyes from Screen Time For all the dieting and working out (and spending on dieting and working out) our society does, we still have a major problem, and the effects of it are being highlighted every time we turn on the news. Obesity and its oft companion, diabetes, are major risk […]

10 Quick Tips for Better Sex in a Pandemic

Also Read: 5 Things You Should Never Do Before Bed Don’t Let Covid Infect Your Marriage! Do not let this global pandemic get in the way of your relationship with your significant other. When the dust settles, and your masks have been relegated to the goodwill pile, and we are no longer cloaked in uncertainty, doom […]


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