How to Cure Your Halloween Hangover

You know those hangovers you had in college when you woke up and the entire day of nothing to do stretched out before you? Remember when your biggest challenge was deciding if greasy pizza or a greasy burger was going to be the cure? You could lie on your couch all day and just … […]

How Much More Can Our Kids Take?

As I logged into the site just now, I was amazed at how long it has been since I’ve written anything. Those of you who check out Tips know I often use this platform to get something off my mind, hopefully it is usually something affecting a lot of us. Being that my mind has […]

5 Tips for Allergy Sufferers

For millions of American children, the beauty of the blooming flowers, the budding trees, and the warm breezes comes with a price — itchy, watery eyes, runny noses, headaches, and fatigue. And even in this last week of May, I can still see a greek coating of pollen on my car every morning. The best way to combat […]

Baby Steps Make Sense — I’m Seeing It Firsthand

For years, I’ve been saying I want to start running. When I was a kid in Queens, I was pretty fast, and I loved playing and running and getting dirty. Then, I went to high school, got a job and never ran again. Life always seemed too busy, and it just wasn’t in my routine […]

Fight the Post-Lunch Fatigue

Today, I ate lunch, and then sat down outside to do some work. With the sun shining strong for the first time in a while, I looked up, closed my eyes to soak in some vitamin D, and promptly fell asleep. What the heck? I’m not narcoleptic. I’m not hung over. I don’t have a newborn […]

5K for Hunger — Join Us, It is So Easy

The students in the Fitness Club at Ridgewood High School, in partnership with Y Wellness and Teen Leads, are hosting a 5K next week. It is virtual, which doesn’t mean you can watch someone else do it. It means you can complete your 5K on your own time and at your own pace. To register, […]

Will My Children Get the Vaccine?

I’ve been asked many times recently if I will let my children get the vaccine. The answer is yes. The better question is, do I think my children need the vaccine? The answer to that, given the data and the evidence, is no. I will take my kids for the vaccine when I have to, […]

Should School Start Later? Take a Listen

For years, evidence has been mounting to support a later school start time for adolescents. Dr. Anne Robinson, through her group, Smart Balance, has been spearheading a campaign for the Ridgewood, NJ school system to follow the science, demonstrate a real commitment to student wellbeing and push back the first bell. I interviewed Dr. Robinson […]