Monkey Pox: What You Need to Know.
Headlines are intentionally scary, and googling monkeypox and seeing the images popping up might make you long for the days of quarantine, when you minimized your risk of contact with any germ and virus. Before you go bananas over this latest global scare, know the facts. Monkey pox today is not exactly what it has […]Is Gatorade Bad for Your Kids?
Are sports drinks a nutritional replenishment or simply the new soda? Should you pump your kids full of Gatorade so they don’t dehydrate…or are you just providing empty calories? Gatorade was produced in response to a request by the University of Florida’s football coach who was looking for a way to keep his athletes from getting dehydrated. In the hot Florida […]5 Tips to Get You Through the Allergy Season
For millions of American children, the beauty of the blooming flowers, the budding trees, and the warm breezes comes with a price — itchy, watery eyes, runny noses, headaches, and fatigue. And even in this last week of May, I can still see a greek coating of pollen on my car every morning. The best way to combat spring […]Simple Meal: Mexican Rice Bowls
I made this two nights ago for dinner, and everyone loved it and the kids all took it for lunch the next day. Keep it vegetarian or substitute shrimp or beef for a different flavor. Spice it up according to your taste with more garlic, hot sauce and/or cayenne pepper. Add kale, avocado or spinach […]Help Your Kids Combat the Uncertainty
Certainty is a comfort, and it is gone. It is January 1st, a day to reflect on the old and eagerly anticipate the new. While it is as easy as ever to look back, looking ahead has become something of a challenge. In our new cancel culture, certainty feels like a thing of the past, relegated to […]Colds, the Flu & Covid … When Should You Test?
Covid has radically changed the way we approach medical testing. Prior to 2020, it would have been practically unheard of to test asymptomatic people for an illness — other than preventative screening tests. Now, frequent, widespread testing is being touted as the way to end the pandemic. Should we listen and become testing junkies, obsessed […]The Real Deal on Home Covid Tests
Remember when it was almost impossible to find someone to test you for Covid-19. Many of us were going through lots of red tape, spending tons of money and then traveling pretty far. Seems like a lifetime ago and yesterday at the same time. Now, you can pop into your local pharmacy and grab a […]When Are We Going to Stop Putting Out Fires?
“Why do we have so many fires?” There is a small, suburban town somewhere in the northeast. If you drive through, you’ll undoubtedly be impressed by the cute cafes, the eclectic dining options and the scattered shops. The pedestrians you pass, some with strollers, some with dogs, some with both, appear fit and content. You […]Subscribe!
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