When is the Best Time of Year to Have a Baby?
I gave birth in each of the four seasons, so I feel I can speak intelligently on this topic. Of course, whenever I meet a pregnant woman, I tell her that her due date is ideal. Ever since I closed shop on my personal baby factory, I feel really badly for expecting women. I have […]Is Your Toddler Getting Enough Nutrition?
Little picky eaters can leave you wondering if they are getting all of the nutrients they need to grow and thrive. Most small children will have opinions about the food you serve. Smell, texture and appearance can mean as much to them as taste. You don’t want every meal to be a fight, and heaven […]Babies & Your Boobs
I know anything worth doing in life takes sacrifice. My kids were definitely worth doing, but did I really have to sacrifice my body this drastically?!? I was never anything close to a swimsuit model, but at least everything was where it belonged. B.C. (before children), I was a content and ample 34B. Bras just started […]Is Your Child Getting Enough Sleep? Find Out.
How much sleep do our kids need? The question is commonly debated by researchers and parents alike. The more, the better I usually say, up to a logical point of course. National guidelines under the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend 8.5 hours of sleep for tweens and teens, and at least 10 hours for children ages 5-10. […]Why Screentime and Sleep Don’t Mix
As you head into 2019, make sure you put “get enough sleep” on your family’s new year’s resolutions list. One way to do this is to cut back on screen time before bedtime. The National Sleep Foundation’s 2011 Sleep in America Poll found that 63 percent of Americans are not getting enough sleep during the […]Mind Games: 10 Gifts to Boost Their Brains!
We wanted to put together a list of toys that would make great additions under the tree not just because they’re fun but because kids will learn new skills from them without even knowing it. So we asked Melissa Bangash, Director of West Side Nursery School in Ridgewood, NJ. to give us her top 10 favorite “mind […]Everything You Need to Know About the Flu
Yes, it is that time of year again … cold and flu season. We’ve got you covered, from prevention to treatment. The Flu is Here TAMIFLU: Does It Really Cure the Flu? GERM ALERT: Are Your Gloves Making You Sick? TRY A HOMEMADE REMEDY: Homemade Honey & Onion Remedy for Coughs and Colds THE STOMACH FLU: What […]Vaping 101
Why, oh why, does there always have to be something new to worry about?!? What the hell is vaping and why does it seem everyone is doing it? It all started with the introduction of e-cigarettes in 2007. Now, there are several different types of vaping devices, including MODS or advanced personal vaporizers and vape pens. […]Subscribe!
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